Bicycle Rides & Espresso

So it’s December 9th in Newfoundland. Actually, I suppose it’s December 9 everywhere. heh.

Anyway, it was a beautiful morning. The sun was out, and it was 5 degrees. I had a great bicycle ride in this morning on my nice track bike.

Unfortunately, I didn’t realize all the dirt and sand that was splashing up until I was nearly at my destination…

Mud + Dirt

Mud + Dirt

But who cares right? It was great to get out. Probably should have taken my commuter with fenders though.

I also had a fantastic double shot of No Guff espresso (which I roasted 4 days ago). It was just delicious, and went beautifully with a small piece of gingerbread fudge I had.

Back to school work as soon as I set it down:

'Spro on Books

'Spro on Books

That is straight out of camera and from my point and shoot. Lit with ambient light, and a directional halogen lamp.

Keep warm, and keep inspired!

– Matt

Sketch a Day 29: Presentation Tomorrow

Did some detailing on the last sketch… and added lots of ideas.

Anyway, I’m going back to a high-school tomorrow to give a presentation. It will be about creativity and entrepreneurship, and I will be talking with a good friend of mine Nick Parsons.

Let it be known: myself, Nick, and another business partner are all working on a magazine called ‘hula’. More details will eventually follow. If you are so inclined, you can check it out so far here:



Keep inspired!

– Matt

Understanding the Current Situation

I don’t usually publish outside content.
However, I have been searching for something to succinctly explain the current situation of the world, and how it is shifting.
While published 11 months ago, this video is more recently receiving a lot of public attention…
“Are You Ready for the 21st Century” by Michel Cartier:
You can follow the link above, or watch it here.
Keep your mind open!
– Matt

the Presentation

Presenting is important in the profession of architecture, and an article from re-affirmed that with me today.

"Metaphorical Thinking Cap" Photo: Eliot Wright

"Metaphorical Thinking Cap" Photo: Eliot Wright

In many ways, Folklore has helped me in my progression towards becoming an architect . One of my favourite aspects of the discipline is presenting for my peer group, to class or professor.

I’ve watched others – I’ve listened, learned and interpreted.

So what?

Well, these days I stand up without fear, totally absorbed in my work. I put on my thinking cap, grab the audience, and pitch my ideas.

Don’t be afraid to put on your ridiculous thinking cap, and pitch your ridiculous ideas as if they are the be-all and end-all – because they just might be.


– Matt